Development of new optical sensor systems for monitoring inorganic wastewater parameters
Matejka Turel
doctoral thesis
M. Turel
, 2006
Nutrients and heavy metals represent the inorganic water parameters. World industrialization has vigorously increased the lading of harmful substances into the environment, therefore, it is particularly important to constantly monitor their threatening concentrations, if too high. Due to the introduction of stricter regulations in terms of harmful species limit concentrations there is also an urgent need for fast and low-cost analytical methods. In the presented doctoral thesis, the development of three new sensing systems for optical determination of phosphate and copper, as representatives of nutrients and heavy metais, is described. The applied indicators, sensitive to phosphate and copper, are lanthanide complexes and the optical analytical method is luminescence and time-resolved fluorometry, respectively. The sensing systems were optimized in mirotiteplates with regard to spectral properties, pH, molar ratio, incubation time, effect of time-resolved luminescence, interference. For phosphate determination, Europium-tetracycline and Tb-ligand complex were used. After optimizing the parametrs, Terbium-ligand complex was also used for copper determination. The advantages of lanthanide complexes are reflected by their narrow emission bands, large Stoke's shifts and long decay times, which make possible the use of time-resolved fluorometry. The latter enables the discrimination of background fluorescence, which has a shorter decay time than the lanthanide complexes have, and is present due to straylight at excitation or due to other fluorescent species potentially present in the measuring water sample. The application of microplates enables miniaturiazation, high throughput screening, statistical data evaluation and low-costs due to less chemical consumption. The developed sensing systems allow the determination of enough low phosphate and copper concentrations which are, with respect to some Slovene and European regulations, stili admissible to be released in water or are the limit concentrations of some natural waters.