The Core Theosophy Of Vedanta

“Adi Shankaracharya of Kerala, in the 8th Century AD, wrote his well-known book “ Brahma-Sutra-Bhashya” -highlighting only 10 principles of Upanishads. Thereafter, all the later Acharyas- used Upanishada only to give their views on the Relation of “Vrahma” with the “ Humans”/“ The Creation”- like Adwaita, Dwaita, Dwaita-Adwaita, and “Achintya-Vedabheda” concepts. This book is the first book that provided the whole aspects of the theosophy of Vedanta, highlighting the “50 Moula-Sutra” of Vedanta.

This is practically a bi-lingual book, English with maximum quotations from Upanisada’s Original Sanskrit Text with English translation, with a second title “Vrahma-Tattva-Moula-Sutra”. Those who are interested in getting an overall idea, about this “Pre-Vedic and Anto-Vedic Non-God Practice of India”, developed on the concept of “Energy-Creation-Evolution- Sustenance- through Causal Relations” discovered through Transcendental Meditations, being gradually proven by the Highest Physics of today, and thereby understand the total ideocracy of any sort of God-worshipping including invisible “single God” of Anthropometric God of Christianity and Islam.