註釋Travis McQueen is a teen trapped in circumstances that are out of her control. She's awakened from a coma to a life that's not her own and she wants her life back. Her Grandfather is a mass murderer, her father a convicted killer and she's a clone terrorist bouncing around illegally in and out of JumpSpace. She's infected with the parasitic spawn of a JumpSpace Entity and CORE material that the Greater Terran Galactic Properties use to Travel through JumpSpace. It's the parasite interacting with JumpSpace entity that has created a majority of her problems. She'd love to get rid of it except there's a fine line between the parasite and what makes her what she is. The Entity and its parasite have somehow written all of her father's memories into her mind. She's frightened of acting against them, because from all that she can tell when they leave they could take the memories with them and leave her an empty shell. She has no recollection of her own life, she's afraid to die and has a worse fear of being alive and thrown back into a darkness of nonexistence as bad as the coma she'd just escaped. Alone and confused with no one she can trust, Travis must escape from those who might kill her. Using her father's memory and knowledge to survive and hide only causes her enemies to threatening to destroy the station and kill everyone. Travis will have to surrender or find someone to help her before time runs out for everyone.