The Psychology of a Primitive People
A Study of the Australian Aborigine
出版Longmans, Green & Company, 1931
註釋Mainly Arunta, Luritcha, Nyol-Nyol, Karadjeri, Baad; Coastal regions of Dampier Land, East Kimberley and Central Australia; Underlying psychology of social organization, totemism, ceremonies and initiation; Sketch map showing theory of Aboriginal dispersion - origin; Initiation ceremonies, magic, increase rites avoidance of certain relatives, authority of aged Govt. of tribes; social approval; Inter-group relations, marriage rules; totemic food restrictions; relations between groups and localities; dances; Reincarnation; conception beliefs; Tables of physical measurements; intelligence tests, psycho-physical tests, comparison with other races; Recreations, gesture language; Bodily mutilation; Weapons and artifacts.