Oxidation of Lignins
註釋"Early work on lignin chemistry, has been reviewed by Phillips (1), Freudenberg (2), and Hagglund (3), and may be suodivided into two parts. During the period 1897 (*0 to 193b (5;, Xlason's original "coniferyl-oxyconiferyl alcohol Hypothesis11 in which polymers of coniferyl alcohol, coniferyl aldehyde, guaiacol aldol, etc. were included, underwent various modifications. Tnis theory, which may oe regarded as constituting tne first pnase of lignin research, was based on the following: tne universal occurrence of coniferyl alcohol in all young plant tissue (60 the data derived from the analysis of the spruce ligninsulfonic acias and from solvent-extracted material (spruce wood; presumably containing both polymerized coniferyl and oxyconiferyl alcohol; and the occurrence of products such as catechol, guaiacol, and protocatechuic acid in lignin alkali-fusion reaction mixtures (7) ..."--