An Act of Sedition

In a matter of just a few years from today and as an authoritarian

government tightens its grip on the UK, Ambrose Jackson gets

caught up in the pro-democracy fight against creeping totalitarianism.

As he falls from his cosy world of success as a journalist achieved

through ticking all the work hard, play hard boxes, he finds himself

rising in the ranks of the rebellion discovering his roots, his family, a

new love, and himself.

His story is one of turmoil, comradeship, highs, lows, and challenges

he never expected to face. His journey to discover himself takes

him underground, flitting from safe house to safe house while he

avoids the authorities and broadcasts his ‘seditionist’ counter news

programmes to an increasingly disenfranchised population.

Ambrose is subjected to brutality and grief as loved ones are taken

from him and although often stretched beyond the norms of

endurance, his love for his beautiful Desiree keeps him strong