Education Counts
註釋The final report of the congressionally-mandated Special Study Panel on Education Indicators (SSPEI) that was transmitted to Congress as required by the Hawkins-Stafford Education Amendments of 1988 is presented. This report is divided into two sections. Part I--"Education Counts"--presents the SSPEI's overall conception of how an indicator information system should be developed; provides recommendations for improvements in Federal data collection and reporting in six major issue areas; and includes information of direct interest to general readers, educators, policymakers, and business leaders. Part II--"An Indicator System To Monitor the Nation's Educational Health"--presents more detailed information about the six issues. It is designed to provide analysts and researchers with more substantive guidance on the six issues, identify existing data sources, and cite gaps in currently available data. The six issues relate to the six national education goals proposed by the President and governors in 1989 concerning: readiness for school; high school completion; student achievement and citizenship; science and mathematics; adult literacy and lifelong learning; and safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools. It is concluded that: a comprehensive data, information, and research system is needed to guide education policymakers' decisions; statistical indicators are powerful tools for identifying problems and galvanizing public support to address them, but a limited set of indicators can be misleading; and the information system for developing education indicators should be organized around learner outcomes, quality of educational institutions, readiness for school, societal support for learning, education and economic productivity, and equity among other factors. (RLC)