Leather Spirit Stallion
註釋Erlik Solongo is a buu, a Mongolian shaman who is heir to a spiritual tradition going back thousands of years. Following that tradition in modern-day California has its challenges, though: Erlik's shamanic forebears probably didn't have to balance the demands of the spirits with the financial and academic woes of grad school, much less with forays into a gay BDSM scene that's not always friendly to dominant Asian men. His shamanic abilities have their upside too, though: when a crazed gunman shows up on campus, Erlik turns out to be the only one in a position to stop him, saving the life of a young man named Paj. Instantly drawn to one another, Erlik and Paj soon tumble into a sexual relationship that might have the potential to become something more serious. But Erlik wants a relationship he can be open about, while Paj worries about his traditionally-minded family's disapproval. Veteran Circlet author Raven Kaldera brings together Mongolian religion and myth, the struggle to find a balance between tradition and modernity, and (of course) plenty of hot kinky sex in this gay BDSM erotic romance.