Free Will? What Schools Do Not Teach Us?
註釋In philosophy, free will is the ability of the will to make a choice by itself, in complete freedom, i.e. the ability to decide for one thing rather than for another, for example between good and evil.But how should we describe what is influencing our choices? Are we really free?There are several important factors that influence decision making. Significant factors include past experiences, a variety of cognitive biases, an escalation of commitment and sunk outcomes but also what others are doing.What are the automatisms which may mislead us? What if our choices are already being anticipated by others?This is what this book is all about, it provides all the concepts which are not taught at school and only known by a few... From the tunneling effect to propaganda or the theory of mind, this books provide more than 100 "secrets" that we should all know in order to navigate effectively our ambiguous world.The author believes that an image is worth a thousand words, thus providing lots of pictures to illustrate the theory and entertain the readers while making them think about applying the concepts in their lives.