…We must know ourselves, Erkenne uns selbst, beyond of the over two thousand years of Delphi inscription, Know thyself, Erkenne dich selbst!...
…If the Sapientosophy means a desired raising in knowledge of the Sapiens towards UpSapiens, then, the Weapon of Philosophy must go into the multitudes of our Species, interconnecting the Philosophy of Amphitheatre (like the Philosophy of Being since Parmenides and Heidegger, or Philosophy of Akademos and Lyceum through Plato and Aristotle, or the Philosophy of Patristics through Sf. Augustine and Maxim the Confessor, or Philosophy of Scholastic through Duns Scotus and Von Aquin, or Philosophy of Rationality through Descartes and Spinoza, or Idealist Philosophy through Kant and Hegel, or the Philosophy of Phenomenology through Husserl and Jaspers ) with the Philosophy of the Book (particularly in our On Line times), with the Philosophy of Human History, reaching the terrible insights of the Human Genome…
…But, has Human Genome (in its biology as the sum of genes inside of an individuality), a special philosophical mystery, flourishing into the human of articulated language, of the writing alphabet and of the abstract thinking?...
…Our endeavor is to shed the modest light upon these basic biological and philosophical concepts of our times…