Image of the Risen Christ
註釋From 1978 to 1981 a well-equipped group of twenty five American scientists formed the Shread of Turin Research Project (STURP). Thousands of hours were spent conducting the most extensive tests ever performed on a historical artifact. The official spokesperson for the group was former U.S. Air force Captain, and pastor/teacher, Dr. Kenneth E. Stevenson. Millions of Christians became intensely interested in the Shroud when photographs of the negative image were published in books, magazines and news papers all over the world. -- Dr. Stevenson previously co-authored the international best selling title, Verdict on the Shroud. His new book, Image of the Risen Christ, discusses the mysterious history of the burial cloth of Christ and uncovers recent scientific discoveries about the image of the man in the Shroud. This book deals with the Shroud as possible evidence of the Resurrection and what significance this could have to Christians entering the new millennium.
-- The Shroud has been subjected to over 150,000 hours of scientific testing. The results of these tests will astonish you.
-- Why have Israel's top scientists recently declared that the Shroud originated in Jerusalem and that it must have been woven before A.D. 760?
-- How can history, art, legend, science, and religious tradition confirm the truth about the Shroud?
-- The multiple blood stains on the Shroud are actually human blood. Could these stains be the blood of Jesus of Nazareth?
-- Why does a remarkable historical document of the early Christian church refer directly to something mysterious about the burial cloth of Jesus?Brilliantly offers possible conclusions about the origin of the Shroud.
-- Isthe Shroud a result of brilliant human deception?
-- Is the Shroud a freak occurrence of nature?
-- Is science and religion at war over this artifact?