Navigation New Modelled: Or, a Treatise of Geometrical, Trigonometrical, Arithmetical, Instrumental, and Practical Navigation
Teaching how to Keep a Reckoning, Both in Latitude and Longitude, Without Tables Or Instruments, by a New Method Never Yet Published: Illustrated with Practical Examples of Keeping a Journal, and Correcting it by an Observation, with a New Way of Finding the Variation, and Time of High-water at Any Known Port. Together with All Necessary Tables, Calculated to the New Stile, and the Projection of the Sphere Orthographic and Stereographic. Also Current Sailing, with Other Pleasant Questions, and how to Correct the Longitude by a Solar Observation. The Ninth Edition, with the Addition of Spherical Trigonometry, and Astronomy. By Henry Wilson. Revised and Corrected by William Mountaine, Teacher of the Mathematics, and F.R.S.
出版J. Mount, T. Page, and W. Mount on Tower-Hill, 1777