Tales And Legends Kôngo (Congo-Brazzaville)
註釋All the great classical dramatists took their inspiration from the mythologies of their respective environments... Thus, the tale, like the classical theatre, deals with the universal feelings of humanity: love, emotion, passion, bravery and all the vices and virtues. Classical theatre, like the fairy tale, exalts virtues and ridicules shortcomings. Both aim at the same goal: to instruct and perfect the young candidates for life. To put the misguided spirits back on the right track. However, to remain educational, the tale must remain, above all, attractive, like all teaching. A good tale combines the useful with the pleasant. It must therefore entertain as well as instruct. I have translated the following tales, without any pretence or literary elegance: they have enough moral force in themselves. They are, the starting point of our literature which, however oral it may be, isn't less, a living expression, an effective communication means or transmission of the truth.