註釋The evaluation covered the activities of the program for the period 2003-04 to 2008-09 and involved a survey in Canada of all past CCI clients as well as potential clients. [...] Other Issues The Canadian heritage community is facing a variety of conservation-related challenges, due to the continued growth of their collections, the aging of these collections and the new challenges posed from objects made from modern materials and the growing use of digital media. [...] At the onset of the evaluation in 2009-2010, CCI employed 42 multi- disciplinary conservation scientists and conservators, and had 21 scientific and conservation 1. UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970), URLID=13039&URLDO=DOTOPIC&URLSECTION=201.html. [...] Requests for treatment of artefacts and works of art are then further assessed against criteria related to the significance of the object or collections, the broader benefits to the heritage community, and the equitable distribution of services across Canada. [...] Detailed information was not available from the program, given the uniqueness of the business model and the lack of international standards for this type of analysis of conservation institutions.