The book is designed to become a valid source of information to assist the student both in and out of the classroom to attain his or her objective. the structure of the text book is as follows:
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the book, covering the basic information on automobiles.
Chapter 2 deals with engines and their auxiliary units.
Chapters 3-10 cover several aspects of design of automobile components - SI system, background mathematics and advice on problem solving, particularly exam questions.
Chapters 11-15 cover essential theory part of support system for vehicles.
Numerous designs and fully worked problems are provided at the end of the chapter. It is expected that as the student works through the examples and problems, he or she will develop a greater understanding of the mathematics required for engineering. To help the student develop a sound grasp of the principles covered there are many diagrams, notes and applications as an aid to develop knowledge and facilitate understanding.