Contract between Pope Pius IV and the Apostolic Camera, and Paolo Manuzio, for the establishment of the Manuzio press in the Vatican
註釋The contract, dated between Mar. 20 and May 3, 1561 in Rome, invites Paolo Manuzio to establish a press in Rome and become the official printer to the papacy. The establishment of a press in Rome would ensure that books both sacred and secular could be issued properly corrected, free of the heretical corruptions found in other presses. Pius IV offers to cover all expenses involved in setting up and running the press, including three hundred ducats to relocate the Manuzio family down from Venice; to provide premises in which to house the press, its officers, and his family; to pay Manuzio a salary of five hundred gold ducats ["scudi"]. In return, Manuzio is to operate his press in Rome for the next 12 years, oversee production and sale of the books, and assume responsibility for the legal operation of the press, and for the proper accounting of money owed to the Camera for books sold, which is to be divided equally between the Camera and himself. The contract is signed by Cardinal Giovanni Morone ["Jo[anne]s Car[dina]lis Moronius"] and Cardinal Guido Ascanio Sforza ["Gu. As. Car.lis Cam."].