Погроми в Україні, 1914-1920
від штучних стереотипів до гіркої правди, приховуваної в радянських архівах
出版Vyd-vo im. O. Telihy, 1998
註釋A collection of documents showing the anti-Jewish actions of the Russian Army during World War I (including murder of Jews) and the pogroms perpetrated during the Civil War in Ukraine by various armies (Petlyura's Ukrainian army, Denikin's White Army, the Red Army, anarchists, the Polish army, etc.). Includes texts of antisemitic proclamations issued by various regimes and military units. The documents also describe the massacres of 1919-20 in Proskurov, Felshtyn, Krivoye Ozero, Fastov, Zhitomir, and some other places. Pp. 12-82 contain a preface. The preface and the documents aim to show that the pogroms were perpetrated by all the armies active on Ukrainian territory, not only Petlyura's. The authorities of the People's Republic of Ukraine and Petlyura himself investigated the massacres, and in some cases Petlyura's men prevented pogroms. The preface ascribes the pogroms which were perpetrated by Ukrainians to the fact that many Jews sympathized with the Bolsheviks and the majority of them did not support the Ukrainian national cause.