Earl of Cadogan to Edward Bourke about Delivery of Money Through Huske, 24 November 1716
註釋Discusses previous correspondence between Bourke and Cardogan regarding a Jacobite plot in Cambray, France (refer to previous letters in the GLC01450.446 collection). Refers to the dangerous nature of sending confidential materials through the post. Discusses the delivery of money to Bourke by Colonel Huske, Cadogan's aide-de-camp. Asserts that Huske will also give Bourke a letter written in Cadogan's hand (and attests that all previous correspondence from Cadogan was written in his own hand). Instructs to continue sending letters to John Williams (a pseudonym Cadogan used in his correspondence with Bourke) through Benjamin Furly at Rotterdam. Docket asserts that Cadogan was an ambassador at The Hague.