註釋The work of fundraising has transformed into a sophisticated and com-petitive profession, attracting talented and dedicated leaders who wish to use their skills to contribute to a secure financial future for their organizations. The arts and cultural field has not been an exception to these pressures above all in times when new emergencies and pres-sures shrink the funding opportunities of arts organizations both in Europe and in the US. This book aims to be a reference point for up-per-level undergraduate students, graduate students, and junior practi-tioners in the arts management field. It will provide core insights about and inspiration for careers in fundraising for the arts and high-quality content (including on advanced topics such as the organizational dy-namics of creating a culture of philanthropy, E-D-I in fundraising, the use of digital and social media platforms, board involvement, perfor-mance management and accountability) that will appeal to novice or experienced practitioners.