God Examined
註釋A book aimed at an objective analysis of the God hypothesis, to find answers to the most fundamental existential questions like: why does the universe exist? Why does it exist the way it exists, with so much evil and suffering in the world? Why do we exist, does our life have a purpose? Do we have free will, or is everything predetermined? Does the God hypothesis answer these questions satisfactorily? Is there any objective, empirical, and indisputable proof for God? This book tries to answer these and more such questions using the knowledge of modern physics, engineering, biology, philosophy, and theology. The central theme of the book is the subjective nature of the concept of God, and the implications of this subjectivity. If God exists then why is there no consensus on it amongst the thinkers? Why is this matter not as clear, as obvious, and as evident as the moon in the sky? Why do the thinkers differ over the subject? Why is this topic so mired in debates and disputes? This is the defining question around which all the other analyses in the book revolve, leading to the examination of the God hypothesis!