When Faerie Comes
A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic and The Elven Way, Volume 5
出版Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp, 2024-02-22
主題Body, Mind & Spirit / New Thought
註釋WHEN FAERIE COMES: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic and The Elven Way is volume five of the Silver Elves' Elf Quotes Book Series with the original elfin koans, ancient elven sayings, and other quotes of wisdom on the Elven Way and elfae folk ("elfae" is a word that the Silver Elves coined decades ago to include Elves and all other Fae of the Faerie Realm). Volume one titled Elf Quotes contains all the elf sayings from the first 37 of The Silver Elves books with all of the side-quotes in their books that had been published throughout the years to that date. Volume two titled The Elves Say, volume three titled The Elves Believe, and volume four titled Seeing Faerie contain quotes from their latest Silver Elves books published since the time of the first volume (now 73 published to date), the daily quotes they publish on Facebook, along with the largest majority of the quotes in these books being shared and published for the first time. If you enjoy the quotes in When Faerie Comes, then The Silver Elves invite you to join them on "Elf Sayings from The Silver Elves" on Facebook where they post a new original magical elven quote daily.

"You may already know, for it is quite true,
there's magic that lives inside of you.
and if you are fae, as you surely may be,
that magic's determined to set you free."
- The Silver Elves