The Mytholgy of God
註釋Man has been creating gods for the last 40 000 years in order to make sense of himself and to explain life as it was primitively perceived before science developed, knowledge expanded and with it our factual understanding of where we come from, who we are and how we came to be here on our little blue planet. Not a single god had anything to do with creating you or anything at all for that matter. Not even your god, the one you were brought up and indoctrinated with. This book is an attempt to firstly explain how the universe was formed. How planets, and eventually us, evolved over a period of 13.73 billion years based on facts, derived from science, verified, peer-reviewed and corroborated and by also coming to the same conclusions using vastly different methods as opposed to creationist fairytales and superstition. If you understand the basics of evolution, then the second part in which Islam and Christianity are exposed for what they are, may give you some perspective of how ‘religion poisons everything’, in the words of the late great Christopher Hitchens. This book, is not only a consciousness raiser regarding the delusion that religion imposes and the biblical past and current violence it perpetually perpetrates, despite its desperate claims to the contrary, but also hopefully, will help to eradicate its theocratically, skewed fundamentalism where extremism finds its wings. It’s a book about truth. It is about morality and intellectual honesty and unveiling the mask of religion and exposing the delusion of blind faith through reason. Exposing these religions with their ‘cult like’ delusional inaccuracies cannot be underestimated. Our future, as a species, depends on it. In the words of Stephen Roberts: ‘When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.’ Put your belief in people and love. Imaginary gods do not deserve them. Quote “The amount of research that went into this book is prodigious – exceeding what I have seen in volume and scope in all of the PhD theses that I edited over the years!”Editor’s comment.