註釋To the western imagination, Tibet seems a superb, isolated and immutable fortress protected by the colossal Himalayan mountain chain. In reality, it has always been a setting for change, earthquakes, wars, invasions and domination until recent times when it was shaken by political upheavals that catapulted it onto the international stage of the 20th century, a pawn in the games played by the major world powers. This book covers the most important points in the country's historical, geographical and social events and attempts to illustrate the dramatic developments taking place in modern Tibet. It describes the phenomenon of the oracles in remote areas, the monks that strenuously defend their religion and the local cadres that attempt to reconcile their role with ancient traditions but also the museum-monasteries, the glass and cement buildings and the cyber cafes of the modern age Lhasa. The text is the vehicle that guides the reader through a set of splendid photographs, which together form an introduction to Tibet, to its world and its experiences, aimed at readers who wish to