Whispers from the Valley
註釋Every childhood comes with its collection of memories, some fond, and some we wish we could forget. For the most part growing up Post-World War II Rio Grande Valley of Texas was an almost idyllic existence for us. We had the best of both possible worlds: the wonderful flavor from the vast "Frontera de Mexico" to the immediate south of us (seven miles from my childhood home) and the wonderful Gulf of Mexico sending its gentle breezes and magnificent salt air (fifteen miles to the east of us). My young mother and dad moved to Brownsville, Texas right after he was discharged from the Army in 1945. I came along in 1946. Sadly our little family was split apart in 1948 by divorce, and Mother and I ended up living with my maternal grandparents. Much of this story takes place on that fifteen acres of rural land, surrounded by citrus orchards and cotton fields. As I grew into a young woman I spread my wings and attended "The University," now known as the University of Texas at Austin. My sheltered childhood was introduced to the turbulent Sixties, violent and challenging. Come along with me as I relate what I can about the "Magic Valley" and beyond...