A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market
註釋I met Paqui in Granada, attending the ofi cial presentation of her book. After her speech, she approached me to say: "I work as a trader, a couple of hours a day and I make money. My broker is in the USA and I only operate intraday". Astonished and eyes wide open, it took me a while to answer back. Ignorant and layman, I then decided to come clean: "Sorry, Paqui... can you please tell me what is that trading stuff about?" To my surprise, in simple words, lots of pedagogics and warm enthusiasm she explained me the basics of a thrilling activity to everyone´s reach as long as you are motivated and focused on being trained... and that is how this manual was born. In this book, the authoress unveils her secrets: The basics of trading , general ideas on stock markets knowledge and practical advice that will allow anyone interested to start diving safely in such vibrant activity. On a simple but intelligent way, she shares with her readers the knowledge acquired along her successful career. However, she does not limit herself to passively repeating basics of stock markets theory but leads by example. At fi rst she made – and still makes – money with her trading activity, but afterwards she was willing to open the doors of her” knowledge base” to everyone, a beautiful gesture most of her readers will be grateful for life. Manuel Pimentel Would you like to reduce your working hours? Would you like to achieve economic Independence? Is there really people out there that make a living working just a couple of hours a day? How do they do it? Could I be one of them? Which is the initial investment required to be a day trader? This Manual answers these and many other questions about the thrilling stock markets world, so that anyone can start operating in the worlds biggest Marketplace.