
Start Ups are the arrangements that scaffold the holes presented by the genuine issues of life. Today we see some captivating Start Ups which are building answers for society's most difficult problems effortlessly and forming the universe of tomorrow. 

It is being said by wiser ones that beginning your business resembles planting a sapling. At first, you need to contribute your time and cash. At that point, you should deal with it and show restraint without anticipating anything consequently. In any case, when your Start-up grows, it makes all the persistence and difficult work advantageous. Be that as it may, similar to saplings, many Start-ups fail to develop—and many stop showing sign of growth after one or two years. While there are numerous elements prompting the failure of a Start-up, one of the primary reasons for their success is passion of the founder/co founder who are the master navigator of the ship of a new business. This book is an effort to acknowledge the effort of these navigators.