Some Psychological Issues of HIV/AIDS Patients

INTRODUCTION 1.1. OVERVIEW AND VALUE OF THE STUDY Today the world has confronted the greatest clinical issue of human life, and that is AIDS. Since 2012 to proceed with the researcher has done work with HIV/AIDS patients. What's more, right now, have attempted to fill their feeling, life esteems, genuinely intellectually issues, and so on. In 2013, the researcher watched an extremely poor degree of Emotional Stability, Adjustment, and Self Concept in HIV patients. For the most portion, that level is acceptable or normal in a healthy individual. After that review, I saw about the investigation of the idea. That investigation of AIDS patients demonstrated that all the patients are sincerely upset and their self-ideal is powerless. Their day by day life modification is typical. All the patients are under treatment and they take a tablet of ARV at ART focuses. At present when that review was done they will live more than two to five years. The last finish of that examination is that all patients' emotional well-being was upset because of disease. They are progressively subject to other people. So they generally need support, compassion, love, and care. (Patel, 2015) As indicated by the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS), 1.3 million of the 7.4 million individuals in Asia contaminated with HIV and they need antiretroviral treatment. However, it is assessed that less than 100,000 are right now accepting treatment. (E, 2005). According to the WHO report, we have 508 prepared specialists for AIDS and all outpatients are 4,580,000. In this way, 9,016 all our patients for every specialist. Just as 4,580,000 assessed aggregates HIV patients and they need ARVs 702,000 be that as it may,