Hitlers Heavy Panzers, 1943–1945

This WWII pictorial history offers a fully illustrated and informative look at Nazi Germany’s fearsome heavy tanks with rare wartime photos.

With its authoritative text, detailed captions, and rare images, this volume chronicles the last desperate years of the Wehrmacht Panzerwaffe. Despite a worsening strategic situation both on the Eastern Front and in the West, Hitlers Panzers and their highly motivated crews showed superior tactical abilities and killing power—yet these armored battalions were not enough to alter the course of the war as the Allies closed in on Berlin.

This superb book covers many variants to the Heavy Panzer, some well-known and others less so—including modified, up-armored and up-gunned tanks. Copious images of Tigers 1 and 11, Panzerjager, Panthers, Panzer 4s, StuG IV and III, Wespes, Hummels are provided as well as other fine examples of German engineering.