Harvard Law Review: Volume 125, Number 8 - June 2012

The June 2012 issue features the Harvard Law Review's annual and extensive DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LAW section; this year's subject is Presidential Authority. The issue also includes an article by Nicholas Stephanopoulos, "Spatial Diversity," and a Book Review by Michael Dorf, "The Undead Constitution," which explores originalism and constitutional interpretation in light of recent books by David Strauss and Jack Balkin. The issue begins with a series of In Memoriam contributions celebrating Bernard Wolfman. 

In its Developments survey on executive authority, the authors analyze the subjects of:

* The President’s Role in the Legislative Process

* Presidential Power and the Office of Legal Counsel

* Presidential Involvement in Defending Congressional Statutes

* Executive Appointments

In addition, student contributions on Recent Cases explore such topics as patentable subject matter, sentencing guidelines, economic spying, the death penalty and mental retardation, Guantánamo hearings and intelligence reports, and organ donor compensation. The issue includes Recent Publications and the Index for volume 125.

The Harvard Law Review is offered in a digital edition, featuring active Table of Contents, linked footnotes and cross-references, legible tables, and proper ebook formatting. This current issue of the Review is June 2012, the eighth issue of academic year 2011-2012 (Volume 125).