The Distribution of Humic Substances in the Dumps and Carbon-in-pulp Plant Circuits at Rand Mines Milling and Mining
註釋Humic and fulvic acids were detected in RM3 dump material and throughout the CIP plant. They originate in vegetable detritus on the dumps, where the screens perform a valuable function in the elimination of such coarse material. Soluble humic substances are complexed and reprecipitated on mineral aggregates within the dumps, whence they enter the plant in association with the solid phase of the pulp. In the CIP feed, they occur within fine fibre, as complexes adsorbed on the solid phase, and as free and complexed humates in solution. Organic fouling of the activated carbon was confirmed by laboratory analyses, in which conventional presoaking with hot NaOH/NaCN solution followed by aqueous elution removed 85% of the adsorbed humic substances. Humic substances occurred in the feed to precipitation owing to desorption from the loaded carbon and alkaline hydrolyis of the accompanying finely milled fibre. In the plant, a small percentage of these organic compounds is eliminated with the zinc-gold slime, but most is returned to the CIP circuit, and must contribute substantially to the soluble humic content of the feed pulp.