Aircraft Take-off Performance and Risks for Wet and Contaminated Runways in Canada
David C. Biggs
Sypher:Mueller International
Transportation Development Centre (Canada)
Transportation Development Centre
, 1991
This report documents the results of a study into the risks associated with degraded performance during rejected and continued take-off from wet and contaminated runways. A comprehensive review of world-wide accident and incident data was undertaken to identify the severity of the problem and the factors involved. Runway condition characteristics, the correlation of runway friction test devices with the friction experienced by aeroplanes, and take-off performance estimation on wet and contaminated runways were reviewed. Performance estimates were examined on the basis of the ratio of contaminated vs dry friction. A method is outlined for classifying runway conditions based upon ICAO SARPS, FAA/NASA trials, and the practices of leading countries and airlines. The frequency of wet and contaminated runways in Canada, the likelihood of critical events on the take-off run, and the take-off weight distribution were determined. These frequency and probability distributions and runway, weather and aircraft performance data were used in a probabilistic analysis of the risk of take-off accidents. A number of counter measures were examined, including the JAR acceptable means of compliance for wet and contaminated runways.