Hal Sieber Collection
註釋Notebook 1 Includes photographs of famous and well-known people such as George Simkins, Coretta Scott King, Ralph Johns, Edward Fort, John Marshall Kilamanjaro, Natalie Cole, Maya Angelou, Robert Brown, Shirley Frye, Hal Sieber, Earl Jones, Bob McAdoo, Willa Player, Richardson Preyer, Claudette Burroughs-White, "Rerun," the Greensboro Four [Jibreel Khazan, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond]. Photographs are also included of momentos such as program booklets of special occasions, landmarks, business cards, and an original manuscript of a poem by Hal Sieber. Notebook 2 Includes photographs of Coretta Scott King, Hal Sieber, John Kilamanjaro, Ralph Johns, Benjamin Hooks, Vernon Jordan, Dorothy Height, James Baldwin, and Alex Haley. Photographs are also included of community events and famous landmarks such as the Underground Railroad and the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Folder 1 Includes February One Society's One Community Award 1960-1984 certificate, a matted photograph of Rosa Parks and Jibreel Khazan, The February One Society's One Community Awards Banquet April 22, 1982, Greensboro [program], One Community Awards Banquet [oversized photograph]. Folder 2 Includes proofs and glossy collages of the Greensboro Four [Jibreel Khazan, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond], John Kilamanjaro, George Simkins, Edward Fort, an artist's sketch of David Richmond, and a cartoon "Go Nawth, Young Man, Go Nawth!"