Automated Opportunistic Osteoporosis Screening in Routine Computed Tomography of the Spine: Comparison with Dedicated Quantitative CT
Nico Sollmann
Maximilian Löffler
Malek El Husseini
Anjany Sekuboyina
Michael Dieckmeyer
Sebastian Rühling
Claus Zimmer
Bjoern Holger Menze
Gabby B. Joseph
Thomas Baum
Jan S. Kirschke
, 2022
Abstract: Opportunistic osteoporosis screening in nondedicated routine computed tomography (CT) is of increasing importance. The purpose of this study was to compare lumbar volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) assessed by a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based framework in routine CT to vBMD from dedicated quantitative CT (QCT), and to evaluate the ability of vBMD and surrogate measurements of Hounsfield units (HU) to distinguish between patients with and without osteoporotic vertebral fractures (VFs). A total of 144 patients (median age: 70.7 years, 93 females) with clinical routine CT (eight different CT scanners, 120 kVp or 140 kVp, with and without intravenous contrast medium) and dedicated QCT acquired within ≤30 days were included. Vertebral measurements included (i) vBMD from the CNN-based approach including automated vertebral body labeling, segmentation, and correction of the contrast media phase for routine CT data (vBMD_OPP), (ii) vBMD from dedicated QCT (vBMD_QCT), and (iii) noncalibrated HU from vertebral bodies of routine CT data as previously proposed for immanent opportunistic osteoporosis screening based on CT attenuation. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for vBMD_QCT versus vBMD_OPP indicated better agreement (ICC = 0.913) than the ICC for vBMD_QCT versus noncalibrated HU (ICC = 0.704). Bland-Altman analysis showed data points from 137 patients (95.1%) within the limits of agreement (LOA) of −23.2 to 25.0 mg/cm3 for vBMD_QCT versus vBMD_OPP. Osteoporosis (vBMD