"Electronics Technology Fundamentals" is a complete introduction to the increasingly complex study of electronics. This text presents do circuits, ac circuits, and devices in one condensed, easy-to-read volume, allowing these fundamentals to be covered in less time than required by "traditional" texts. Hailed by instructors as "an excellent, innovative approach" to teaching the fundamentals, the text presents all of the same vital information offered in traditional books while implementing the engaging, clear writing style and superb learning tools developed by seasoned authors Robert T. Paynter and B.J. Toby Boydell. The following features are NEW to this Second Edition:
- Full 4-color format improving clarity and visual appeal
- Chapter opening vignettes helping the reader to connect the chapter material to "real-world" circuits and applications
- New sections introducing the reader to component testing and fault symptoms
- Many newer components and component packages appearing throughout
- New margin notes introducing applications of principles and circuits
- New margin notes demonstrating calculator key sequences for many of the problem-solving examples