
Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here

Written by a team of twenty-five high profile, international authors, this exciting new text successfully combines theory and practice, making it a must-have for all students of Events Management.

Events Management: An International Approach provides comprehensive coverage of all the most common types of events, preparing students for a future career in Events Management. Covering key issues such as fundraising, sponsorship, globalization and sustainability, this text addresses the challenges and examines the realities of events management in an international context. A wide range of case studies and examples look at sporting, music, catering and fundraising events across Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America.

Key features include:

• An international approach, drawing on a wide range of cases from around the world

• Extensive pedagogical features such as Diary of an Event Manager and Exercises in Critical Thinking

• A companion website offering a full Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides, additional case studies and links to SAGE journal articles

This book is essential reading for all undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Events Management.

Visit the Companion Website at www.sagepub.co.uk/ferdinand

Nicole Ferdinand is Senior Lecturer in Events Management at the London Metropolitan Business School.

Paul J. Kitchin is Lecturer in Sports Management at the University of Ulster.