The Metal-Nonmetal Transition Revisited
註釋This text surveys the various aspects of the fundamental problem related to the metallic and non-metallic states of matter, a question physicists have been studying for almost 100 years. The book poses questions and challenges in this area, as well as highlighting present understandings of the topic. Topics covered by the book include physics of dense ionized metal plasmas; metallic hydrogen; pressure-induced metallization; the M-I transition in doped semiconductors; transport studies in doped semiconductors near the metal-insulator transition; new results in old oxides; metal-insulator transition in 3d transition metal perovskite oxides investigated by high-energy spectroscopies; alkali metal-alkali halide melts; hopping conductivity in granular metals revisited; superconductor-insulator transition in cuprates; molecular metals and superconductors; shear induced chemical reactivity; shear, co-ordination and metallization; quantum diffusion and decoherence; the Mott transition; recent results, more and surprises; Mott-Hubbard-Anderson models.