Natural Prescriptions for Women
註釋The best cures combining:

Herbs * Stretches * Vitamins * Aromatherapy * Yoga * Homeopathy * Foods * Relaxation * Baths * Lifestyle Makeovers * Mental Pick-Me-Ups * Weight Loss * And More

Nondrug prescriptions for more than 100 everyday complaints and emotional concerns, including:

* Herbal prescriptions like St.-John's-wort for depression (page 395) and dandelion tea for urinary tract infections (page 137)
* Stretching prescriptions for a stiff, aching back (page 16) and post-workout soreness (page 96)
* Yoga prescriptions for stuffy sinuses (page 109) and fluid retention (page 276)
* Nutritional like magnesium for migraine headaches (page 125) and a B vitamin formula for chronic fatigue (page 178)
* Aromatherapy like essential oil of rosemary for menstrual cramps (page 275) and lemon scent for morning sickness (page 285)

Doctor-approved regimens for major health concerns, including:

* Dietary to control blood sugar (page 182), lower cholesterol (page 211), prevent breast cancer (page 172), and manage other serious conditions
* Exercise to control high blood pressure (page 208), lose weight (page 230), tame trouble spots (page 366), and more
* Lifestyle makeovers for the married and harried (page 475), chronic dieters (page 468), shift workers (page 503), and people in other stressful circumstances

Match natural remedies to your body's daily, weekly, and monthly cycles!