Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals
註釋In these classic experiments, quail chicks were selectively bred for the behavioral traits of fear and social reinstatement. Over a period of 20 generations, four separate genetic lines were created. They were high and low fear and high and low social re-instatement. The duration of tonic immobility was used as a measure of fear and social reinstatement was measured with a treadmill test. In this test, the time that a bird will walk on a treadmill to stay close to its flockmates is measured. Since the publication of this chapter in 1998, many scientists have carried out with these genetic lines. Duration of tonic immobility does not all measure all types of fear. Fear maybe multidimensional because selection for tonic immobility has little effect on behavioral reactions to novelty. More recent research has also discovered linked traits such as low social reinstatement birds have stronger ultradiam rhythms.