A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband

No, it's not about pleasing a husband that way! It's all about the way to a man's heart -- through his stomach! Side note: According to modern research, it turns out that a path to a woman's heart is through her stomach as well. Or, if you think about it another way? Never mind, it's not that kind of book!

Authors Louise Bennett Weaver and Helen Cowles LeCron first published A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband in 1917, long before the scourge of fast food and microwave ovens heating cardboard entombed, plastic-wrapped food in mere seconds. The authors whisk you into a fictional world where practical self-reliance, home economics and home-cooked meals described living out the American dream.

When newlywed couples today are scrambling to make ends meet on two jobs, a world like this one seems a luxury that no modern appliance can match. And that's the world you get in A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband. Wonderfully naive and funny, the authors "time-capsule" you into the world of Bettina and Bob's foodie life of 1917. This new edition with 12 added illustrations is a sumptuous reminder of days past. Generously seasoned with recipes and practical household hints, A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband will old school you on how one should live life without modern technology, or reality, getting in the way.

Are you feeling peckish? No need to give up convenience for the sake of nostalgia. Let the dishwasher take care of the cleanup. And add your copy of A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband to your cart now!