No Fat Chicks

 Life isn't strictly black and white, and those shades of gray in the middle can trip you up, throw you a curve ball and change your whole outlook.
Brandon...my Achilles heel all through school, from kindergarten through my senior year. He pulled my hair, tripped me in the halls, gave me a horrible nickname that makes me cringe even now, and generally made my life hell. 
When I stumble upon an antique shop I've never seen before, I'm presented with the opportunity of a lifetime...PAYBACK. I'm given the chance to make him worship me, to make him do anything I ask, to make him debase himself in front of everyone who cheered him on back in the day. But...can I do it? Can I take my revenge and make his life as hellish as he made mine? Or will I discover that things aren't always what they seem from the outside looking in? 
Hi, I’m Zoe and this is my story.
This novella was previously released as a short story with the same title. It’s been cleaned up, polished, improved, expanded and released under a different pen name. 17+ due to mature language and situations. #soulmates #enemiestolovers #fatedlove