The System
註釋Within the confines of society, the relentless grip of routine and the wright of mundane existence cast a shadow on each individual. Each day unfolds with monotonous predictability, as people navigate the labyrinthine bureaucracy trapped in a ceaseless cycle of paperwork, regulations, and mind-numbing tasks. Within this menial existence, the collective does not yearn for something more, they play their part in the stifling confines of the system they are a part of. Caught up in a web of manipulation and ambivalence, our protagonist gets entangled in a struggle with the very system he once trusted. As he peels back the layers of the machinery, he realizes that corruption and oppression run much deeper than it once seemed. With each revelation, the perception of the system which envelopes everything continues to degrade. The perception of the world shatters, and a complicity in and perpetuation of a malevolent status quo must be confronted.