In this groundbreaking book in the dim world of opinion formation HelmÂreich opens a closet bursting with skeletons and explores the myths and hisÂtorical roots of stereotypes pertaining to several ethnic groups: Are Jews reÂally smarter? What about rhythmical Blacks, hard-drinking Irishmen, dumb Poles, emotional Hispanics, and all those cold, artificial WASPs sipping inÂevitable dry martinis? He discusses which stereotypes are false, which are true, how they originated, and why some of the most libeled groups proÂmote warped perceptions about themselves.
Helmreich has examined over four hundred scientific studies and comÂbines hard facts with humor, anecdotes, and common sense in his courageÂous attempt to understand and explain stereotypes. He contends that we should discuss this topic openly and recognize the tendencies and traits, negative and positive,-that are rooted in a group's history and culture rather than pretend that there are no differences among the members of multiracial America.