Critical Experiments with Thoria-urania Fuel in Heavy Water
W. C. Redman
Argonne National Laboratory
, 1961
The nuclear characteristics of a variety of small reactors composed of thoria-urania fuel in heavy water were determined in a program of critical experimentation. The fuel element consisted of ceramic ThO2-U239O2 pellets stacked to a height of 1.5 m within 0.787-cm-OD aluminum tubing. The pellets used most frequently were of 0.587-cm diameter and had a Th-U-235 atom ratio of 25. Rods containing similar pellets with only half as much U-235 were used to achieve small changes in the U-235 content of the cores. Some cores were assembled with 0.660-cm-diameter pellets having an atom ratio of 15. All cores were located in a 2-m-diameter tank containing deuterium oxide. Three distinct core structures were used, allowing measurements with uniformly distributed fuel rods, loading patterns compatible with the EBWR core geometry, and clustered lattice arrangements with deuterium oxide, water, and air surrounding the clustered fuel. Most of the cores assembled had some amount of radial deuterium oxide reflector