Growing Cannabis

It doesn't matter if you call it marijuana, cannabis, pot, or weed, because it all has the same history of human use. In ancient cultures, marijuana wasn't used for recreation. Instead, it was used as herbal medicine. It is believed to have started somewhere in Asia around 500 BCE. The history of cannabis use in the US dates back to the early colonists who cultivated it to make rope and textiles.

In this book, you will discover all the information needed to grow cannabis at home. We will first go over the life cycle of a marijuana plant, discussing all the changes a plant goes through before it is ready for harvest.

Then you will be introduced to different strains of cannabis. There is a lot to cover from learning to spot differences between Indica and Sativa strains to the different varieties of weed and their effect on the body. After this, you will learn about how plants can be grown from seeds and how to prepare the seeds for growing and planting. Once you are aware of all this, the next step this book covers is the vegetative growth cycle of the cannabis plant. We will take an in-depth look at what you should expect to happen to the cannabis plant during the growing stage and what the plants will need for their growth during this time.