Samson-The Modern-Day America

Power is the point of envy of those who are weak and the pride of those who are not. Although power can hold command over the lives of others, it can very much lead to the destruction of the one controlling it. Author Stephen R. Williams discusses the pitfalls of abused power without repentance and guidance in his latest book, Samson The Modern-Day America.

Most people are familiar with the story of Samson, the only man to hold incredible strength in the Bible. He was born to dedicate a life of service to the Lord, ordained by God to be a Nazarite, and destined to judge and rule the Philistines. A similar plot leads us to the powerful country of America, which was once a nation of people seeking for a place of worship and service to God. Through time, both Samson and America acquired power that any entity could ever want. However, a common weakness leads them both to destruction.

Discover the cause of a great man's fall and its shocking similarity to the struggle of a powerful country. Backed with biblical Scriptures, Samson The Modern-Day America is a book that holds nothing but the key to a struggling country's redemption.