Big Book of Favorite Crochet Patterns

Here's a rich treasury of heirloom-quality designs crocheters at every level of expertise will find irresistible. Dozens of lovely patterns — all selected from hard-to-find thread company publications of the 1920s through the '50s — enable needlecrafters to re-create exquisite designs that enhanced domestic interiors decades ago.
Included are patterns for tablecloths: an airy Summer Snowflake, the beautiful Sunburst Splendor, an elegant Enchantress, and a spectacular Florentine banquet cloth; placements and luncheon sets (the delicate Summer garden and the captivating Snow Crystal); a charming Land of Nod spread for a child's crib; an assortment of intricate, eye-catching doilies; a variety of edgings to complement pillowcases, napkins, and other household items; and many more beautiful motifs.
Each pattern is accompanied by a complete list of necessary materials. Detailed row-by-row instructions guide beginning and advanced needleworkers through each step of the crocheting process.