註釋 British Churches Enslaved and Murdered Black Atlantic Slaves: Contextualization-De-contextualization-Marginalization of the Transatlantic Chattel Slave Trade. DR. Milwood has written this thesis on Contextualization as a companion to his other two books on African Humanity. Shaking Foundations: A Sociological, Theological, Psychological Study and Western European and British Barbarity, Savagery and Brutality in the Transatlantic Chattel Slave Trade: Homologated By The Churches and Intellectuals in the Seventeenth- Nineteenth Century. These should be read says DR. Milwood synoptically in order to fully understand the tremendous impact and significance of the heinous and nefarious slave trade in African bodies. The transatlantic chattel slave trade has shaped the world. The transatlantic chattel slave trade is the singular system-institution that has literally shaped the world economically, industrially, politically, technologically and theologically. On this foundation, contextualization is supremely significant to the study of the transatlantic chattel slave trade, social history, systematic theology, philosophy of religion, historical history and theology. The slave trade was not a congenial institution executed by the Royals, Churches, ie the ministers of religion, bishops, Archbishops, Intellectuals, theologians, philosophers of religion, Quakers, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, intellectuals, historians and scientists. It was rather the most egregious holocaust- genocide in man's chronological history. The slave trade was motivated by profound cultural racism expressed in psychic distance psychologically by Britain. It was a nefarious and nefandous brutal system that defied imagination and rationality. DR. Milwood has unearthed the historical facts of historical distortions, intellectual suppression and historical falsification of facts practiced by Britain who was the pre-eminent protangonists in the brutal and profligate enslaved and murdered Black Atlantic slave trade. Using the study and tools of social history, systematic theology and historical history DR. Milwood now recognized how Britain consciously used de-contextualization and marginalization techniques to make recondite the profligate-ness of the horrendous transatlantic chattel slave trade in African bodies. What DR. Milwood finds most sardonic is that Britain used semantic cultural Christianity and messed up the biblical and theological concepts of Africans and African descendants. On top of this moral crime, Britain refused consistently to make Reparations to Africa and the Caribbean for crimes against humanity according to International Laws and Moral Christianity. DR. Milwood therefore has laid the foundation with historical veritable that the crimes committed by Britain demands an un-equivocal apology to black people and full Reparations for the nefarious, racial, avaricious and brutal crimes committed in the name of a white God and the apparition of a Caucasian Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the World without any historical evidence invented by Britain. For DR. Milwood, contextualization is the hermeneutic cadence-force and challenge to Britain's de-contextualization and marginalization of the greatest holocaust- genocide crimes committed against Almighty God and humanity according to International Laws. Full Reparation from Britain is the only redemption and means for reconciliation and justice.