The Story of Kennett, and Who Was She?
註釋Bayard Taylor (James) (1825-1878) was an American poet and writer. A little volume, published at Philadelphia in 1844 under the title Ximena; or, The Battle of the Sierra Morena and Other Poems, brought its author a little cash; and indirectly it did him better service as the means of his introduction to The New York Tribune. With the money and an advance made to him on account of some journalistic work to be done in Europe, he set sail for the East. The graphic accounts which he sent from Europe to The New York Tribune, The Saturday Evening Post, and The United States Gazette were so highly appreciated that on Taylor's return to America he was advised to throw his articles into book form. In 1846 appeared his Views A-Foot; or, Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff. In 1851, he travelled to Egypt and towards the end of 1852; he sailed for Calcutta, proceeding thence to China, where he joined the expedition of Commodore Perry to Japan. His works include: The Story of Kennett (1866) and Beauty and the Beast (1872).