註釋An experimental, literary YA multimedia narrative centered on the experiences of 16-year-old Gregg Davis, who undergoes brutal bullying and sexual violence by her peers. Spanning the mediums of the printed page, online social media and the screen, this story offers a wrenching, empathetic look at the experience of bullying through a victim's eyes, and then extends this theme of oppression, humiliation and violence to address issues of historical and systemic racism in the U.S. today. A picture book. Read Chapter One for free at invisible-i-am.com. For updates on Gregg and the invisible-i-am story, follow her on Twitter @iaminvisibleiam, Tumblr via iaminvisibleiam.tumblr.com, Facebook facebook.com/invisibleiambook/, and YouTube youtube.com/channel/UCJ3_7rR2myNZl0rX2mWsy1g.