Primerjava rezultatov zdravljenja enostavnih in kominutivnih diafiznih zlomov podlakti
Martin Mikek
smiselnost uporabe spongioplastike : magistrsko delo
M. Mikek
, 2001
The recommendations regarding the use of spongioplasty in the treatment of cominuted diaphyseal forearm fractures with open reduction and internal fixation are conflicting. Anderson proposed the use of spongioplasty in all cominuted fractures where cominution exceeds 1ž3 the circumference of the diaphysis, although this recomendation was based only on the belief, that thisgroup of fractures has lower rate of union and prolonged time to union. Asfar as we know, there are no studies, that would try to define the influenceof different extent of fracture cominution on the rate of healing andtime to healing of these fractures. Study objectives-The goal of this studywas to determine the influence of different extents of fracture cominution on the rate of healing and time to healing in a large group of patients. Determining the extent of fracture cominution that is associated with lower rate of union or prolonged time to union, would enable us to recommend the use of spongioplasty in this group of fractures. Patients and methods- We retrospectively evaluated the results of treatment of all patientswith acute diaphyseal fractures of radius or ulna that were operated between 1989 and 1998 on the Department of Traumatology in University hospitalLjubljana. Analysis of the influence of cominution on the rate of healing and time to healing was performed in two steps. First the group of simple fractures was compared with the whole group of cominuted fractures regarding the rate of healing and time to healing. In the second part of the study, the cominuted fractures were grouped, based on different extent of cominution. The influence of different extent of cominution on rate of healingand time to healing was determined. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).